Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Old Barn Rescue Company

I recently added wall decals to the shop, 
shown here on an antique wardrobe
You can read about the artist in the announcement below!

OldBarnRescueCompany's Shop Announcement
We are proud to announce the opening of Old Barn Rescue Company’s Wall Graphics Division! Due to the popularity of Adonna’s hand-lettering, we have expanded our quotation line by offering wall decals, one of the latest new trends in home décor. These look like they are painted right on the wall without the added cost of Adonna visiting your home to do it herself. Adonna has been practicing calligraphy for over 20 years and now you can enjoy her professional designs for a terrific price! For those of you who have textured walls or love the value of reusing vintage materials, we can continue to offer our work on recycled wood as we have always done. You will now have the choice of hand-painted or cut lettering, depending on your preference and budget needs. Keep checking back as Adonna continues to add new designs! Also visit us on our blog:

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